
More Facts That You Need To Know about STDs

by in General Health May 25, 2023

Here are a few more of the dreaded diseases and what you can do to avoid getting impure or passing on the infection to your partner.

1. HIV/AIDS: Perhaps the most researched STD, in our times. The HIV virus affects the human immune system and weakens the body’s protection against infections. The virus is spread by unprotected sex, needle sharing and by an infected mother to her newborn. The problem with detecting HIV is that it may not show any visible symptoms for years after someone is infected. Some of the early symptoms include flu-like symptoms, canker sores, fever, fatigue and swollen glands.

There are antiviral drugs that can help prevent HIV from turning into full blown AIDs, but these need to be started as soon as possible. The only way to be certain if someone is infected with this virus is to get a blood test done.

2. Hepatitis B: If left untreated this virus infection can cause some serious liver harm including liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. This infection is caused by contact with blood and other body fluids, so it can be extend through sexual activities, sharing of needles and razors, and even by sharing of toothbrushes. The symptoms include stomach ache, fatigue, yellowing of the eyes or skin, dark urine and nausea.

There is a vaccine which can defend you from hepatitis B and it is a good plan to get vaccinated as there is no cure for this disease, though there are medicines that can keep the virus in check.

3. Trichomoniasis: This is a disease which is caused by a parasite and is extend during sexual contact. It’s symptoms in men include gentle discharge from the penis and blazing sensation during urination. The symptoms for women include painful sex, vaginal itching and discharge with a burly odor. This disease can be easily treated with prescription drugs.

4. Chanchroid: This STI is caused by a bacteria, it causes painful genital sores. These may develop into pus-filled open sores. Fortunately antibiotics can easily cure this infection.

If you think that you are not at risk for an STD, think again. Anyone who is sexually active is at danger regardless of age, gender, social class or sexual direction.

So in order to inferior your chances of acquiring STD, you want to take a few precautions; first of all if you are sexually active with multiple partners then your danger increases when compared to someone who is in a monogamous relationship.

Ask your partner to get experienced for STD, practice safe sex and be certain to get yourself tested as well. If you or your partner test positive for any of the STD’s or STI’s start treatment instantly for both partners and refrain from having sex.

It is vital for pregnant women to get tested for STD early on in their pregnancy as treatment during pregnancy can help treat some STD and reduce the risk of passing these infections to the newborn baby.

lastly if you are in any doubt, get in touch with your doctor or a sexologist who can lead you correctly and recommend the tests that need to be done according to your symptoms.

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