Mens Health

Mens Health

The Truth about Premature Ejaculation

by in Mens Health June 8, 2023

Premature ejaculation has been a major sexual problem for men & yet it is talked far less about than erectile dysfunction. The main reason for this is that the little blue pill (Viagra, Cialis etc) has become part of the mainstream due to the huge media spends that its manufacturers have used to spread awareness […]

Men with Chronic Heart fiasco Can Now Improve Their Sexual Health

by in Mens Health June 7, 2023

According to a study lately published in the journal Clinical Cardiology, men suffering from chronic heart failure which is a medical condition in which patients suffer from chronic fatigue & exercise intolerance; can now with the help of CRT (cardiac resynchronization therapy) significantly improve their sexual health including reducing erectile dysfunction, improving libido & general […]
